Passport Services Consular Services

Passport Services

FAQs for Passports

Q: What are the various passport services and which form has to be filled in?

The various passport services are:

  • Issue of Fresh Passport: You can apply for fresh passport if applying for the first time or if you are applying more than 3 years after your last passport has expired. 
  • Re-issue of Passport: You can apply for re-issue of passport if you want another passport in lieu of an existing passport for any of the following reasons: 
  • Change in existing personal particulars (name, appearance, address, etc.) 
  • Validity expired within 3 years/ Due to expire. 
  • Exhaustion of pages. 
  • Damaged passport. 
  • Lost passport. 
  • While applying under Fresh Issuance category - please make sure you never held a Passport of the applied category (i.e. Ordinary Passport, Diplomatic Passport or Official Passport) in the past. 
  • For instance, if you ever held an Ordinary passport (Deep Blue colour) in the past but never held any Diplomatic (maroon colour) or Official (white colour) passport - you need to apply under Reissue category if applying for an Ordinary Passport while choose the Fresh category if applying for a Diplomatic or Official passport. Similarly, if you have/held a Diplomatic (or Official) Passport but do not have/held an Ordinary Passport - you need to apply for Ordinary Passport under Fresh category while choose the Reissue category if applying for Diplomatic (or Official) passport. 
  • Miscellaneous Service: 

    1. Issue of Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)
    2. ECNR Stamp
Q: In case of minor's passport, where father is abroad, is it mandatory to obtain father's consent to apply for the child's passport? If so, what is the procedure?

    If parent(s) of the minor hold a valid passport, then attested photocopy of passport needs to be submitted along with the application form. Spouse name should be endorsed on the applying parent's passport. If parent(s) hold a valid passport, but spouse name is not endorsed, then they must first get the spouse name added in their passport. For this, they have to apply for re-issue of passport and get the specified change done in personal particulars. If one parent is abroad, Annexure D OR Annexure C can be submitted by other parent (in case Annexure D can not be arranged). To see the format of Annexure C, please click on "Annexures/Affidavits" link on Home page.

Q: We are planning to apply for passports for our kids (minors). Is it necessary that my name should be included in my wife's passport?

    If either parent of a minor holds a valid passport with spouse name endorsed, passport will be issued to the minor without any police verification. Original passport of parent(s) should be presented for the verification of particulars. If parent(s) hold a valid passport, but spouse name is not endorsed, then they must first get the spouse name added in their passport. For this, they have to apply for re-issue of passport and get the specified change done in personal particulars. Thus, it is necessary that spouse name should be endorsed on the parent's passport.

Q: Is it necessary that both parents should have passport before applying for their child's passport?

    It is not necessary that both parents should have a passport before applying for their child's passport. The advantage of either parent holding a valid passport with spouse name endorsed is that it exempts their child from the Police Verification process.

Q: Is it necessary that both parents should have passport before applying for their child's passport?

    It is not necessary that both parents should have a passport before applying for their child's passport. The advantage of either parent holding a valid passport with spouse name endorsed is that it exempts their child from the Police Verification process.

Q: I am a minor who is 16 years old. Is it possible for me to obtain a full validity passport of 10 years?

    Minors between 15 to 18 years of age can apply either for a 10-year validity passport or they can apply for a passport, which is valid till they attain the age of 18 years. Fee for a 10-year validity passport is higher than fee for a passport which is valid till they attain the age of 18 years. A 10-year validity passport cannot be issued to applicants without police verification, on submission of parent's passport. If passport is required on an urgent basis, they can apply under Tatkaal scheme, subject to eligibility.

Q: What would be the validity of a minor's passport?

    The validity of a minor's passport is restricted to five years or till they attain the age of 18, whichever is earlier. But the minors aged between 15 to 18 years can apply either for a 10-year validity passport or for a passport which is valid till they attain the age of 18 years. Different fees are applicable depending upon which category they are applying for.

Q: Who can apply for my minor daughter's passport in India as I am working at Doha as engineer?

    Either parent/guardian can apply for minor's passport. You would however need to get Annexure D duly attested by the Consular section of the nearest Indian Mission.

Q: Is it true that passport applications for minors under 18 require consent of either both parents or legal guardian?

    It is necessary that either parent/legal guardian should give his / her consent while applying for minor's passport. Following documents have to be submitted in the given cases:



    Documents to be submitted


    Passport application of a minor with consent of both parents

    Annexure "D"


    Applied by Legal Guardian

    Annexure "D"


    Minors with single parent (One parent deceased)

    Annexure "D"


    Applied by one parent/guardian when consent of one or both parents is not possible

    Annexure "C"

Q: I want to apply for my child's passport. Are signatures of both parents mandatory on Annexure D to be submitted along with the application? What if my spouse is refusing to sign the form?

    Yes, the signature of both the parents is mandatory on Annexure D to be submitted along with the application as it signifies that both parents are giving consent for the issuance of passport to the child. Annexure D is the declaration of applicant's parents or guardian for the issuance of passport to the minor. If either of the parents is not giving consent, then the parent applying for the minor's passport needs to submit Annexure C.

Q: If parents have passport with adverse Police Verification Report or they have a criminal background, can passport be issued to minor on an urgent basis?

    In such cases, minors can be issued passport under Tatkaal scheme subject to the approval of the Competent Authority.

Q: I want to apply for my minor child's passport. I hold a valid passport but spouse name is not endorsed. Can I apply for my child's passport without submitting my passport copy?

    If parent(s) of the minor holds a valid passport, then attested photocopy of passport needs to be submitted along with the application form. Spouse name should be endorsed on the parent's passport. If parent(s) hold a valid passport, but spouse name is not endorsed, then they must get the spouse name added in their passport. For this, they have to apply for re-issue of passport and get the specified change done in personal particulars.

Q: What benefits do senior citizens get for issuance of passport?

    Senior Citizens can be issued a passport on post police verification basis if they submit a copy of the passport of their son/daughter (Age greater than 18), who is staying abroad (with page having parent's name) as an additional document along with their application form.

Q: Explain citizenship of India by birth, descent, registration, naturalization.

  • Citizen of India by birth: You are Citizen of India by birth if you are born in India and atleast one of your parents is an Indian Citizen and the other is not an illegal immigrant in India at the time of your birth.
  • Citizen of India by descent: You are Citizen of India by descent if you are born outside India and either of your parents is a citizen of India at the time of your birth.
  • Citizen of India by registration/naturalization: You are Citizen of India by Registration/Naturalization if you have been granted Indian Citizenship by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt of India, after a process leading to successful approval of your application for Indian Citizenship.
Q: Can an Indian passport be issued to applicants born outside India?

    Indian passport can be issued to a "Citizen of India by Descent" i.e. person born to Indian parent(s) outside India. However, they should not hold the passport of any other country.

Q: I recently got married/ divorced. How do I change my name on my passport?

    To change the name in the passport, you have to apply for a "Re-issue" of passport and get the specified change done in the personal particulars, with the requisite supporting documents.

Q: I am a married lady and want to apply for a fresh passport. I am unable to provide the prescribed marriage certificate or joint affidavit due to marital discord or separation. What should I do?

    Married applicants would not be required to provide Annexure K or any marriage certificate and a self-declaration mentioning the name of his/her spouse is sufficient. Moreover, the Passport application form does not require the applicant to provide the name of his/her spouse in case of separated or divorced persons. Such applicants would not be required to provide even the Divorce Decree.

Q: What do I do if I have a Court Case against me?

    If a criminal case is pending against you in any court, you can be issued a passport subject to the condition that you enclose a written permission by the court allowing you to travel abroad. Normally a short validity passport valid for one year is issued, subject to conditions if any, mentioned in the Court order as per GSR 570 (E) dated 25 August, 1993.

Q: The applicant has repatriated from abroad at Government cost and wants to apply for a fresh passport. However he/she does not have a proof of refund of repatriation cost to Ministry of External Affairs. What should he/she do?

    He/she should meet the Assistant Passport Officer (APO) at nearest RPO

Q: What is the definition of damaged passport?

  • Damaged passport is classified further based on the extent of damage, i.e.:
  • Damaged Passport - Passport number is readable, name is legible and Photo is intact
  • Damaged beyond recognition/ mutilated/smudged entries/washed out
Q: What is the procedure to apply for duplicate passport in case of lost or damaged passport?

    To apply for duplicate passport in case of lost or damaged passport, you have to fill the Passport Application form and apply for "Re-issue" of passport.

Q: What do I do if I lose my passport?

    Loss of passport should be immediately reported to the nearest Police Station and to the Passport Office or Indian Mission, if abroad. You can apply for "Re-issue" of passport at your nearest PSK and submit the required documents along with your passport application form.

Q: What can I do if I have lost my passport and have to travel to India urgently due to an emergency like serious illness or death in the family?

    You need to contact the respective Indian Mission/Post to apply for issuance of another Passport. An Emergency Certificate (EC) may also be issued for returning to India after verification of Indian nationality/origin/particulars.

Q: I am an Indian living abroad. I lost my Indian passport but I don't have photocopy of the same. What should I do?

    Photocopy of the old passport is not a mandatory document to be submitted in case of lost/damaged/stolen passport. It should be produced, if it is available. But you will be required to produce, the previous passport details like Passport number, date of issue, date of expiry and place of issue, while filling the passport application form. It will be a good idea to have a photograph of your key passport pages (viz., the first and last pages of Passport) saved on your mobile phone when you are travelling. If you do not have that information, then contact the respective Indian mission/post in that country.

Q: How long is a passport valid?

    In case of adults, a 10-year validity passport would be issued. In case of minors, the validity of passport is restricted to 5 years or till they attain the age of 18, whichever is earlier. But the minors between 15 to 18 years of age can apply either for a 10-year validity passport or for a passport which is valid till they attain the age of 18 years. Different fees are applicable depending upon the category they are applying for . Further, most of the foreign Missions/Embassies insist on the passport validity of at least of six months to one year before they consider issuing visas. Accordingly, it is advisable to apply for re-issue well before time to avoid last minute rush.

Q: My passport will expire in 2 years. What should I do?

    You can apply for a re-issue of passport up to 1 year before the expiry or within three years after the expiry of the existing passport without fresh police verification, provided there is no change in personal particulars and there is clear police report with respect to your previous passport and there is no adverse entry in the system. You can also apply for re-issue of passport if your previous passport expired more than three years ago, but a fresh police verification would take place.

Q: What will be the validity of passport if I apply for renewal of a Short Validity Passport (SVP)?

    If you apply for renewal of a Short Validity Passport (SVP), then the validity of passport would be decided by the Assistant Passport Officer in India or the Head of the Consular Wing in a Mission Abroad.

Q: What is the procedure to change the photograph of a child in the passport?

    To change the photograph in the passport, you have to apply for "Re-issue" of passport.

Q: What documents are required when there is a change in name on account of divorce?

    Following additional documents have to be submitted:-

    Court certified copy of Divorce Decree or self attested copy of Divorce certificate.

Q: My name has changed. Can I travel in my previous name? Otherwise how do I change the name on my passport?

    It is not advisable to travel in your previous name. To change your name in the passport, you have to apply for "Re-issue" of passport, with the specified supporting documents.

Q: There is a mistake in the spelling of my name in the passport. What can I do?

    If you find any mistake/error in the particulars printed in the passport booklet as per the application form submitted, please return the passport for necessary rectification. Any additional fees required to be paid would depend solely on merits of the case as decided by the Assistant Passport Officer /Passport Issuing Authority. . If there is a misrepresentation of facts, then penalty could also be imposed. However, applicants are requested to apply online with a view to ensure that the passports are delivered without any typographical errors since applicants have themselves fed the data.

Q: The Surname field is blank on my passport. And my full name is written in the Given Name field. What is the process to add the surname to my passport?

    If you find any mistake/error in the particulars printed in the passport booklet as per the application form submitted, please return the passport for necessary rectification. Any additional fees required to be paid would depend solely on merits of the case as decided by the Assistant Passport Officer / Passport Officer. If there is a misrepresentation of facts, then penalty could also be imposed. However, applicants are requested to apply online with a view to ensure that the passports are delivered without any typographical errors since applicants have themselves fed the data. If you have done a mistake while filling your passport application form i.e. you have filled your full name in the "Given Name" field, then you will need to apply for re-issue of passport for change in personal particulars.

Q: I want to get the DOB changed in the passport since there is a typing error. What should I do?

    If you find any mistake/error in the particulars printed in the passport booklet as per the application form you submitted, please return the passport for necessary rectification. Any additional fees required to be paid would depend solely on merits of the case as decided by the Assistant Passport Officer/ Passport Officer. If there is a misrepresentation of facts, then penalty could also be imposed. However, applicants are requested to apply online with a view to ensure that the passports are delivered without any typographical errors since applicants have themselves fed the data.

Q: My spouse is a foreign citizen. What document(s) do I need to submit along with my passport application to include his/her name in my passport?

    For the applicants whose spouse is a foreign citizen and the name needs to be included in the passport, one of the following documents need to be submitted along with the passport application:

    i. Marriage Certificate issued by the Indian Mission/Post abroad.


    ii. Marriage Certificate issued by Foreign Government, duly attested/apostille either by:

    • The Indian Mission/Post in the jurisdiction from where the Marriage Certificate was issued
    • The foreign Embassy/High Commission/Consulate of that country in India


    iii. Marriage Certificate issued in India by Indian authorities (Marriage Officer/Registrar of Marriages).


    Marriage Certificate issued by Foreign Embassy/High Commission/Consulate of that country in India (to which the foreign spouse is a citizen)

Q: How do I change the address on my passport?

    To change the address in the passport, you have to apply for a "Re-issue" of passport and get the specified change done in the personal particulars.

Q: I'm eligible for Non-ECR (previously ECNR - Emigration Check Not Required). The same was stamped in my previous expired passport. But there is no Non-ECR stamp in my reissued passport. Am I covered under Non-ECR category?

    The practice of placing the Non-ECR (ECNR) stamp has been discontinued. If there is no stamp on your passport, it means you are covered under the Non-ECR category.

Q: Can I apply for change in my gender or change in father's/mother's name in the passport? What additional documents do I have to submit?

    To change your gender or your father's/mother's name, you have to apply for a "Re-issue" of passport and get the specified change done in personal particulars, along with the requisite supporting documents.

Q: How do I apply for a Police clearance Certificate (PCC)?

    You need to submit the filled in Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) Application Form. You need to attach the self-attested photocopies of following documents along with the Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) Application Form:

    • Passport in original with self-attested photocopy of its first two and last two pages, including ECR/Non-ECR page (previously ECNR) and the page of observation , if any , made by Passport Issuing Authority and validity extension page, if any, in respect of short validity passport.
    • Proof of Present Address (if address is different from the address mentioned in passport).
Q: In how much time will Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) be issued?

    Please refer the table below to determine the time required for issuing Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) in various cases:


    Police Verification Report (PVR)/ Observation in System

    Service Levels


    Police Verification Report in respect of the existing passport is clear and there is no subsequent adverse entry in the system

    Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) will be issued on the same day.



    a) Police Verification was not required when the passport was issued as the applicant was then a minor and has now become an adult


    b) Police Verification was not required when the passport was issued as the applicant was a dependent of a Government employee


    c) Police Verification process could not be completed at the time of issuance of passport due to various reasons


    d) Applicant's present address is different from that mentioned in the passport


    e) Any other such cases where passport was issued without police verification


    Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) will be issued only after completion of police verification process. After PVR is received, Embassy will inform the applicant through phone. Applicant needs to come to the Passport Office (PO) with his/her passport to collect Police Clearance Certificate (PCC). Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) will be issued for only the State of Qatar.


Q: I have a passport with ECR status printed on it. What does this mean?

    Emigration clearance is required for employment in the following countries (18 in total): United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Malaysia, Libya, Jordan, Yemen, Sudan, Brunei, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Syria, Lebanon, Thailand, and Iraq. ECR passport holders taking up employment in the above mentioned list of 17 countries require emigration clearance from the office of the Protector of Emigrants (POE) before leaving India; otherwise, they will be stopped from traveling at the port of exit. ECR passport holders traveling abroad for a purpose other than employment, to any of the list of 17 countries, will be allowed to leave the country on production of valid passport, valid visa and return ticket at the immigration counters of an international airport in India. However, action can be taken against you for misrepresenting the purpose of your journey.

Q: I don't have Non-ECR status in my passport. Can I get it on the basis of my provisional matriculation or above certificate issued by the University/Board concerned?

    You need to apply for Re-issue of passport for deletion of ECR. A new passport booklet (without having the "ECR" status printed on its last page) will be dispatched to you. You are entitled to Non-ECR status if you possess qualification of Matriculation or above. You can get Non-ECR status on the basis of provisional matriculation certificate if the mark sheets of all semesters of your course are available with you.

Q: I have a passport with ECR status and have an employment visa on it. Do I require emigration clearance?

    ECR passport holders taking up employment in the list of 17 countries mentioned in the instructions of passport application form require emigration clearance from the office of the Protector of Emigrants (POE) before leaving India; otherwise, they will be stopped from travelling at the port of exit. A passport holder having employment visa in passport does not require clearance from POE when they go back after a short visit to India, else emigration clearance is required.

Q: The file status indicates that my police verification is "incomplete". What does this mean?

    The most likely problem is:

    Your police report says you have been at your current address for less than a year. It is necessary to obtain clearance from all your previous addresses for the past one year, for issue of a passport.




    The police report may have some inadequacies, or the police authorities may not have properly completed some columns. These are normally sent back to the police for completion. You may like to follow up with the police for speedier resolution.




    The police report indicates that some of the documents needed by the police to satisfy themselves regarding the period of your stay at that address, may not have been produced. In such cases, RPO writes to you for clarifications and thereafter processes your file further.

    Applications pending at this office due to incomplete police reports, or non-receipt of police reports, can also be cleared if the applicants submit any 3 of the 16 listed documents. Post-issue police verification will be done in such cases.

Q: The file status shows that my police report is "adverse". How should I proceed further?

    The most likely problem is:

    Your police report says you do not reside at the address given, or that you were not available for police verification. If you feel that the absence was temporary and that you normally reside at that address, you can write to the Passport Office (giving your file number) and request a re-verification. RPO needs to get a clear police report from the re-verification, for issue of a passport




    The police report might have said that you have unresolved criminal cases against you. In such cases, your file cannot be cleared, unless the cases are cleared by the courts. If the cases have indeed been dismissed, you could submit a copy of the court order and approach the RPO for a re-verification by the police. RPO will refer your file to the police, along with a copy of the court order.

    On receipt of a clear report from the police, your file will be processed further for issue of a passport. In cases where the information regarding the criminal case had not been disclosed, a penalty will be imposed and the file cleared after the payment of penalty.

Q: In what cases Short validity passport (SVP) is issued? What documents are required to be submitted?

    Short Validity passport (SVP) is issued in following cases:

    Indians residing abroad and visiting India for a short period: SVP can be issued immediately, valid for one year, on production of return ticket to the country from which the applicant came and/or a document of identity such as driving license, Green Card, employment permit, social security card, health card, labour card etc. indicating the applicant's identity and nationality. If the application is for issue of duplicate passport in lieu of damaged passport, the damaged passport itself may be accepted as proof of identity provided the personal particulars are clear and legible.

    If a criminal case is pending against the applicant in any Court, he/she can be issued a passport subject to the condition that a written permission granted by the court allowing the applicant to travel abroad is enclosed. Normally a SVP valid for one year is issued, subject to conditions if any, mentioned in the Court order as per GSR 570 (E) dated 25 August, 1993.

Q: What is a Surrender Certificate?

    A Surrender Certificate is issued to applicants willing to surrender their passport at Passport Offices/Indian Missions Abroad mainly for renunciation of Indian citizenship and acquiring foreign nationality. This is a chargeable miscellaneous passport service, and is to ensure that the passport record of the person is closed.

Q: Can I fill the Surrender Certificate application form online?

    No, You have to manually fill up the Miscellaneous Form personally in the Embassy between 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on any working day, along with a declaration for renunciation of Citizenship under Section 8 of the Indian Citizenship Act, through Form XXII of the Citizenship Rules, 2009 along with the supporting documents and relevant fees.

Q: What are the documents required for Surrender Certificate?

    You need to submit the original passport and proof of foreign nationality, along with the certificate of naturalization. Police Verification is not required for Surrender Certificate.

Q: My passport has expired, Can I get Surrender Certificate for the same?

    Yes, expired passports too can be presented for surrendering. Surrender will not, however, be allowed for Impounded, Revoked, Suspended, and Cancelled (against Re-issue) passports.

Q: Can alias name be printed on the passport?

    The practice of printing the alias name on the passport has been discontinued. Only the applicant's real/ official name will be printed on the passport.

Q: Mention the consular service timings on each Friday of the month.

    Sl. No.

    Day of the Month

    Area Covered


    Contact No.


    1st Friday of the Month

    Salwa Industrial Area

    1000 to 1200 hrs

    Mr. Najeeb, 55396130

    Mr. Saibu, 55463420/44503145


    2nd Friday of the Month

    Messaied (Al-Banush Sports Club)

    1000 to 1200 hrs

    Mr. Arnold Vincent Lobo, 55294198

    Club Phone: 44091777/ 44091709.


    3rdFriday of the Month

    Al Khor (ICBF Help Desk and Al Waha Club)

    1000 to 1530 hrs

    Mr. Rajeev, 55232256

    Mr. Santosh, 55531260

    ICBF Help Desk – Mr. Ali, 55200348

    Mr. Prem Navas, 55357330


    4th Friday of the Month

    Dukhan (Jinnam Sports Club and Zikreet Labour Camp)

    1000 to 1530 hrs

    Mr. Arul Fernandez, 55243349/40141933

    Mr. Arvind, 44711745/55854711

    Gulfar Al Mishad, 70200438


    5th Friday of the Month

    Al Shamal

    1000 to 1200 hrs

    Mr. Sayeed, 55341609/44731307

    Note:- Indian Community is advised to follow the Facebook Page of the Embassy regularly, regarding any changes to the above mentioned schedule.


Embassy of India,Doha
Villa No 86 & 90, Street No. 941,
Al Eithra Street, Zone 63,
Onaiza, P.O. Box 2788,
Doha - Qatar.

Embassy closed on Fridays, Saturdays & Public Holidays
Embassy working hours: 0800 to 1630 hrs
Consular Section working hours: 0800 to 1615 hrs
Consular Service - Submission of Documents: 0800 to 1115 hrs
Delivery Time - Collection of Documents: 1400 to 1615 hrs
Tel No. for all enquiries: 4425 5777

Visitors: | Page last updated on: 2025-02-06 00:00:00

© Embassy of India, Doha, Qatar 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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