Consular Services

Passport Information

Indian Community in Qatar


The Indian expatriate community in Qatar forms the largest expatriate community in the country. Approximately 70% of the work force comprises of skilled and unskilled workers, and the remaining are professionals. The skilled and unskilled workers are employed in construction work, industrial establishments, commercial undertakings and the domestic sector. White collar workers are employed in clerical services, commercial establishments, police, nursing etc. Professionals include doctors, specialists and consultants working in Government and other Health Centers, Chartered Accountants, Architects, Engineers, Executives in business concerns, Computer specialists etc. Consular Section in this Mission caters to the needs of this sizeable Indian Community by undertaking the Passport and Miscellaneous Services and the foreign nationals by providing Visa Services.


General Information Applicable to All Passport Services


All applicants should submit the application in person for identification:- 

  • Only residents holding valid Qatar ID can submit their applications in person for reissue of passports. 
  • In the case of casual visitors, only Emergency Certificate is issued for return to India.
  • An ordinary passport is valid for ten years from the date of issue.
  • Minors are issued passports for 5 years or up to attaining 18 years, whichever is earlier.
  • It may please be noted that the Passport Issuing Authority can issue passports even for a shorter duration under certain conditions.
  • The Passport service asked for should be in the proper prescribed form accompanied with appropriate fees.  The application for the service in any other form is not acceptable.
  • Applicants are advised to ensure that their application in the prescribed format is complete in all respects; that all columns are correctly and legibly filled up and no column is left blank or unfilled / un-responded or vaguely filled with a dash, tick, etc.
  • Please ensure that the applicant fills the surname column and the given name column correctly.
  • In the permanent address (in India) column, please ensure that there is complete postal address including the Pin Code legibly.
  • In respect of applications for re-issue of passports against LOST/ DAMAGED Passports issued by Passport Issuing Authorities (PIA) in India – Personal Particulars Form is also to be submitted. F.I.R. from Qatar Police is mandatory in case of lost passport.
  • All signatures in the application should be with ballpoint pen of black or blue ink.  Those who cannot affix their signatures like infants, minors or illiterate should put their thumb impression in the place of signature.
  • The signature of the applicant should exactly fit in the prescribed column (4.5 x 1.5 cm).
  • All applications to be accompanied by self attested photocopy of the passport (first two and last two pages and the page of observation including ECR/ECNR, if any, made by Passport Issuing Authority).
  • Photograph should be in colour against white background and should be of the size of 50 mm X 50 mm (i.e. 2” X 2”). The photograph should have a frontal view, with both ears and chin to forehead being visible. Eyes should be open. There should not be any distracting shadows on the face or on the background. Head coverings are not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly shown. The expression on the face should look natural.
  • It is an offence under the Passports Act 1967 to furnish false information in the application. Passport facilities would be denied on grounds of suppression of material information, submission of incorrect particulars, willful damage/loss of passport or for unauthorized change/tampering.
  • The Passport can be impounded or revoked for violation of one or more of the provisions of the Passports Act.
  • It is an offence to hold more than one valid passport at a time.
  • A passport expired more than three years ago should be supported by a Sworn Affidavit explaining the circumstances and the reasons for the late renewal.  A Sworn Affidavit is to be signed by the applicant in the presence of the Consular Officer.
  • Emergency service for issue of passport can be availed of by payment of an additional fee of QR 550/- under the Tatkal Scheme, in addition to the Normal fee (Adult – QR 274/- and minors up to 15 years of age – QR 184/) provided the applicant is eligible for that service.
  • The delivery of processed documents is to be done preferably to the applicant himself/herself or to the person authorized by the applicant in writing and accompanied by the official receipt given to him/her at the time of submission.
  • Applications will be accepted in the Embassy between 0800 - 1115 hrs hrs only (from Sunday to Thursday except notified holidays) except in case of emergent situations like death or illness in the family and applicants are advised to collect their passports between 1400 - 1615 hrs hrs only in the Embassy.
  • Fresh and reissued passports are normally delivered on the sixth working day excluding the day the application is received in the Embassy. This, however, depends on the workload of the Consular Section. This time schedule does not apply to services where prior approval is required from the authorities in India. The date on which the passport can be collected from the Embassy will be indicated when the application is submitted.

The following is some useful information on passport and other consular services available at the Indian Embassy in Doha.


As part of worldwide implementation of the Passport Seva Project, the Global Passport Seva Program has been rolled out in Qatar. Members of the Indian Community in Qatar are advised to use the new portal for availing the Passport Services with effect from April 19, 2019

Steps to apply for Passport Services online at :-

Step 1: Click on Qatar, Create USER ID by clicking on Register link

Step 2: Login using the USER ID and fill the application form online

Step 3: Submit the form online

Step 4: Take a print out of the application form

Step 5: Affix your recent coloured photograph (white background with size 2” X 2“) at the designated place

Step 6: Submit the print out of the application along with required documents and prescribed fee at the Embassy. Signature to be done in the presence of Submission Officer at the Embassy.

How to Obtain a New Passport?

How to Obtain a New Passport?


  • Please fill up the online application form in the following URL: and select the Indian Mission as Qatar-Doha and select the service desired as Fresh Passport.
  • Fill all columns carefully and legibly; the print out of the application may be submitted in the counter at the embassy either in person or through a representative authorized by the Embassy.
  • The "Application Form for an Indian Passport" along with your passport (in original), copy of the passport, copy of Permanent Residence Permit for Qatar and an affidavit should be submitted.
  • Furnish 2 photographs (colour) size 50 mm x 50 mm front view of full face against a white background. Photos taken with coloured or dark glasses and in uniform are not acceptable.
  • If the application is found to be in order and if no prior reference is required to be made to the original Passport Issuing Authority, the passport will be issued in the normal course.
  • If you need the passport urgently you can avail of the Tatkal Scheme introduced by the Government of India. Under the scheme passports can be obtained out of turn from the embassy on the next day after the day of submission of application in the Embassy. An out of turn passport is normally issued only in cases of specified emergencies, against an additional fee of QR 550/-.

Passport Renewal

An application for a new passport can be made within one year from date of expiry of the old passport.

  • Please fill up the online application form in the following URL: and select the Indian Mission as Qatar-Doha and select the service desired as Re-issue Passport.
  • Fill all columns carefully and legibly; the print out of the application may be submitted in the counter at the embassy either in person or through a representative authorized by the Embassy.
  • The "Application Form for an Indian Passport" along with your passport (in original), copy of the passport, copy of Permanent Residence Permit for Qatar and an affidavit should be submitted.
  • Furnish 2 photographs (colour) size 50 mm x 50 mm front view of full face against a white background. Photos taken with coloured or dark glasses and in uniform are not acceptable.
  • If the application is found to be in order and if no prior reference is required to be made to the original Passport Issuing Authority, the passport will be issued in the normal course.
  • If you need the passport urgently you can avail of the Tatkal Scheme introduced by the Government of India. Under the scheme passports can be obtained out of turn from the embassy on the next day after the day of submission of application in the Embassy. An out of turn passport is normally issued only in cases of specified emergencies, against an additional fee of QR 550/-. Cases that require a referral to India (due to Adverse or Incomplete PVR Status) cannot be processed under Tatkaal.
  • All applicants are advised to submit their applications for renewal of passport upto 1 year before the Expiry Date.


Handwritten Passports

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) had set a deadline of the 24th November, 2015 for globally phasing out of all non-Machine Readable Passports (MRPs). From the 25th November, 2015 onwards, foreign Governments may deny Visa or entry to any person travelling on a non-Machine Readable Passport.

The Government of India has been issuing Machine Readable Passports since 2001. The Passports, however, issued before 2001 and particularly those issued during mid 1990s with a validity of 20 years will fall in the category of non-MRPs. All handwritten passports with pasted photographs are also considered non-MRPs.

By the end of November 2014, it is estimated that there are approximately 2.86 lakh handwritten passports in circulation. Approximately 6 crore Indians hold valid passports.

Indian citizens residing abroad and holding such passports or those Indian Citizens whose passports’ “Date of Expiry” has been extended through an endorsement in their passports with validity beyond the 24th November, 2015 are advised to apply for re-issue of their passports in order to avoid any inconvenience in obtaining valid visa or international travel document.

Passports Valid for Less than Six Months

Many international travelers may not realize that having an unexpired passport is sometimes not enough to obtain Visas or to enter certain foreign countries. Indian citizens travelling on Passports which may expire in less than six months should renew their passports before any upcoming international travel. It is especially important to check the passports needs of any minor who may be accompanying their parents as passports for minors have a shorter validity period (5 years) than passports for adults (10 years). The universal practice in vogue now is; “Once your passport crosses the nine-year mark, it is time to get a new passport”.

Exhaustion of Passport Pages

Some countries do not accept passports which may have fewer than two pages remaining. Please check your passport to ensure that you have enough pages for visa. There is no provision of additional booklets/pages and you will be required to apply reissuance of passport following standard procedures. Frequent travelers may opt for Jumbo Passport containing 64 pages during fresh application/re-issue of passport.

All Passport Issuing Authorities have instituted a simple and fast-track procedure for renewal of passports. For more details related to passport services, visit the website – - or the National Call Centre (1800-258-1800 - Toll Free) may be accessed. Indian citizens living abroad should visit the website of respective Indian Mission/Post for any further clarifications.

Short Validity Passports

With effect from Tuesday, 16th September 2014, the following regulation would be implemented by the Consular Section, Embassy of India, Doha, with respect to issue of Short Validity passports:

  • Indians residing abroad and visiting India for a short period: SVP can be issued immediately, valid for one year, on production of return ticket to the country from which the applicant came and/or a document of identity such as Aadhaar Card, driving license, Green Card, employment permit, social security card, health card, labor card etc. indicating the applicant's identity and nationality. If the application is for issue of duplicate passport in lieu of damaged passport, the damaged passport itself may be accepted as proof of identity provided the personal particulars are clear and legible.

  • No extension endorsements would be made on the short validity passports.

  • Applicants requesting for Short Validity Passports would be charged with an amount equivalent to the charges for re-issue of minor’s passports (QR 184.00) (vide CPV Circular No. VI/401/66/2000, Dated: 11/09/2014).

  • For passports having the validity for more than 5 years but less than 10 years (validity of normal passport), the fees prescribed for issue of a normal validity passport (QR 274.00) would be charged.

Passport for Minors

  • It is compulsory to have a separate passport for a minor as the procedure of endorsing names of minor children in their parents' passports has now been discontinued with. This measure has been introduced in the wake of the practice, increasingly being followed by major foreign diplomatic missions, by granting visas to minor children only if they are in possession of separate passports. A minor in this case refers to a child who is less than 18 years of age and the passport for the minor child will be valid for five years from the date of issue or till 18 years of age, whichever is less. The five year validity period has been stipulated because the physical appearance of a child changes considerably over five years.

  • Those children whose names have already been endorsed in their parents' passports need to apply for new passports only when the validity of the parents' passport expires. The Birth Certificate of the child is required to be submitted along with the passports of both the parents. Furthermore, a Declaration from both the parents of the minor has to be completed along with the application.

  • The fee for issue of a passport to a minor child in Qatar is QR 95/-.

Emigration Check Not Required (ECNR) Stamp

As per Government of India rules and regulations following categories of persons are entitled to get the ECNR passports:

(a). Gazetted Government Servants, Income-tax payees.

(b). Persons holding professional degrees.

(c). Persons staying abroad for more than 3 years.

(d). Spouses of the above mentioned categories.

(e). Persons holding matriculation certificate or higher degrees.

(f). Seamen in possession of Continuous Discharge Certificate and Deck Cadets if they have passed final examination of three year B.Sc. Nautical Sciences Courses at T.S. Chanakya, Mumbai, or if they have undergone three months Pre-Sea training at any of the Government approved Training Institutes after production of Identity Cards issued by the Shipping Master, Mumbai / Calcutta / Chennai.

(g). Persons holding two year diplomas from recognized institutions like Polytechnics or certificates of vocational training from Government recognized institutions, Nurses possessing qualifications recognized under the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947 but vide circular F.No. OI-11012/10/2013-EP Dated: 12/03/2015, PGE has notified that emigration of nurses for overseas employment in 17 ECR Countries will require emigration clearance from POE offices with effect from 30/04/2015, despite their graduate level educational qualification, in view of the war-like condition in a few Gulf countries.

(h). Dependent children of parents eligible for ECNR and

(i). All persons above the age of 60 years.

All these categories of people can get the ECNR passports at the Embassy of India in Doha during office hours. All children who apply for separate passports will be granted endorsement of "Emigration Clearance Not Required (ECNR)" provided their parents have the same endorsement on their own passports.

List of 17 countries under the purview of the Emigration Act for the purpose of emigration clearance for employment:












Saudi Arabia






Iraq – currently banned for emigration

Note: All such ECR Passport holders should essentially obtain Emigration Clearance from the Protector of Emigrants (POE) for employment purpose before their travel out of India.

Lost / Damaged Passport

How to Apply for a Duplicate?


  • If you lose your passport, then please inform the nearest police station or the CEID and obtain a copy of the FIR. Also inform the Embassy without delay. Passport is a valuable document and in case it gets misused, you can be held responsible, if you have not informed the police and the Embassy.

  • You may apply for a duplicate passport with the documents enumerated above. If your passport gets damaged, you can get it replaced.

  • In case of damaged / lost passports (except in case of habitual losers), provided your original passport was issued at the Indian Embassy in Doha, you should get a passport in about 10 days.

  • If you have applied for a duplicate passport in place of a passport which was originally issued at some other passport office, it can take up to 45 days.

  • A duplicate passport may not be issued for the second loss/ damage of passport unless the circumstances are adequately explained. Habitual losers of passports will be denied further passport facilities. All such duplicate passports which have been re-issued against lost/damaged passports will be submitted for post-police verification. Hence, the applicants are requested to fill up and submit the Personal Particulars Form along with the application.

Change of Name in Passport

  • If you change your name/ surname, please get your passport booklet changed. For change of name or surname, consequent to marriage, you may submit the original marriage certificate duly attested in India, along with a photocopy and husband's original passport.

  • In case of divorce, a divorce deed authenticated by a court in India is required. In case of re-marriage, divorce deed or death certificate of spouse duly authenticated along with the original marriage certificate issued by Registrar of Marriages / duly attested in India and husband's original passport may be submitted.

  • In all other cases of change of name and/or surname in the passport, the change has first to be advertised in a daily newspaper, both in Qatar and in India at the area of your residence. Original newspaper clippings are required to be submitted along with the application. An affidavit, duly notarized, is also required. Service is provided after a waiting period of 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the newspaper.

  • For separation of the name into given name and surname, the applicant (if adult) has to give a self-declaration to that effect. In case of minor, the legal guardian of the minor applicant is authorized to give the self-declaration on his/ her behalf.

Change of Address and Date of Birth

If you already have a passport and want to change the address recorded in it, apply for the same in EAP -I form with the proof of new address. A new passport will be issued. If the passport is issued for the first time from Doha, then the applicant is eligible to change the Date of Birth after furnishing such documents like Birth Certificate within a maximum period of 5 years from the Date of Issue.

Incomplete / False Information

It is important to furnish full, accurate and truthful information in the form. Application forms should be filled in fully, legibly (in capital letters) and accurately and submitted with the passport. Misrepresentation of the facts may result in denial of passport/consular service. Applications received with incomplete details will remain unprocessed. It is an offence under the Passports Act 1967 to give false information in the Application. Passport facilities can be denied on grounds of suppression of factual information, submission of false particulars, willful damage of passport and for making unauthorized changes in the passports. Your passport can be impounded or revoked by the Government of India under the provisions of the Passports Act 1967, in which event you will have to surrender the passport to the nearest Indian Passport authority.

Emergency Certificate

An Emergency Certificate (one-way travel document) which authorizes an Indian to enter India, is issued to the citizen of India whose passports have been lost, stolen or damaged and to whom new passports cannot be issued without approval from India. This is primarily with the objective of ensuring their return to India.


According to Section 14, Chapter 4 of Passport Manual, 2016, Passports for Female Domestic Helps who are working in Middle East Countries that are covered under Emigration Act, 1983, will be renewed for one or two years only, after consular officers have satisfied themselves regarding the welfare of female domestic helps. HOM/HOP will issue necessary guidelines for the same in this regard.

Since the Embassy receives a number of requests from Indian Nationals working as housemaids, for renewal of their passports so as to facilitate the renewal of their Qatari IDs/residence permits. The following guidelines will be followed w.e.f. 11/12/2017:-

  • The Embassy will facilitate the renewal of the passport, if it leads to a regularization of the status of the worker and renewal of his/her residence permit/ID Card.

  • Before the service is provided, the Embassy will ascertain whether the worker took emigration clearance from PoE as per the established procedure.

  • In all such cases, a copy of the valid employment contract should be submitted along with the application for renewal of the passport, in addition to a copy of the visa of the worker, copy of the ID Card of the Qatari employer and confirmation from the worker that he/she has been treated well by the employer and has been receiving salaries on a timely basis.

  • In cases where the worker has entered Qatar on a visit visa without following the established procedure for emigration clearance, a copy of the visa, copy of the ID of the Qatari employer, details of the recruiting agent in India and details of the Qatari/local recruiting agent will be sought. Other requirements stipulated for Emigration Clearance will also be enforced post facto.

No Refunds

Fees are for processing the application. Once received, they cannot be refunded, even if the application is withdrawn or service cannot be rendered.

Embassy of India,Doha
Villa No 86 & 90, Street No. 941,
Al Eithra Street, Zone 63,
Onaiza, P.O. Box 2788,
Doha - Qatar.

Embassy closed on Fridays, Saturdays & Public Holidays
Embassy working hours: 0800 to 1630 hrs
Consular Section working hours: 0800 to 1615 hrs
Consular Service - Submission of Documents: 0800 to 1115 hrs
Delivery Time - Collection of Documents: 1400 to 1615 hrs
Tel No. for all enquiries: 4425 5777

Visitors: | Page last updated on: 2025-02-06 00:00:00

© Embassy of India, Doha, Qatar 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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