Labour & Community Welfare Labour & Community Welfare

Labour & Community Welfare


The Labour and Community Welfare Section plays the role of a coordinator and facilitator by providing guidance and support for the redressal of grievances of the large number of Indian nationals residing in Qatar.


1. Services Offered by Community Welfare Section


The services cover a wide canvas of welfare measures including:


  1. Authentication and verification of employment contracts.


  2. Attestation of documents pertaining to recruitment of Indian nationals from India.


  3. Registration of Companies on eMigrate System.


  4. Counselling and assistance to Indian workers in settling disputes related to work contracts.


  5. Assistance to workers in claiming legitimate dues relating to termination benefits.


  6. Registration of death of an Indian national.


  7. Assistance in follow up work with sponsors & local authorities for the earliest burial / transportation to India of mortal remains.


  8. Issue of No Objection Certificate for the local burial or transportation to India of mortal remains of deceased Indian nationals.


  9. Assistance to family members of Indian nationals in claiming death compensation, due to accidental or unnatural death.


  10. Attending the Shariah Court for the settlement of death compensation claims of deceased Indian nationals whose families authorise the Embassy with their Power of Attorney.


  11. Realisation of death compensation claims from Qatari authorities and remittance of the same to India to the next of kin of deceased Indian nationals.


  12. Assistance for taking up problems of a personal nature back home, of the Indian nationals in Qatar, with the authorities concerned in India for redressal.


  13. Release of an Indian national from prison, on completion of sentence.



2. Consular Services Management System(MADAD)


Consular Services Management System(MADAD) has been set up for users to register grievances pertaining to the Consular Services offered by Indian Missions/Posts Abroad.


Processing Steps: {}


  1. Click on "Grievant Registration (New User)" and fill required details.


  2. Click on "Activation" link sent in email (or OTP sent in SMS to Indian Mobile Holders) to activate the account.


  3. Log in to the Consular Grievances Management System (MADAD).


  4. Click on "Register Grievances" link to fill details of your grievances.


  5. Click on "Track Grievances Status" link to view latest status and processing done on your grievance.


3. Instructions for Distressed Indian Maids


Such women may carry their passports and visa copies, contact details of the employer and recruiting agent before approaching the Embassy.


Click here to view Information on : Welfare and Protection of Indians Abroad* (As per current webpage)


Contact Details of the Labour and Community Welfare Wing:

Telephone Numbers:


24-hr Help-Line:


Fax Numbers:



For Labour Disputes:

First Secretary [Labour]: TEL: 4425 5708

For Death Compensation:

First Secretary [Labour], Tel:44255708

ASO[L&CW]: Tel. No. 4425 5714, 44255729, Fax N. 44675399

For eMigrate System
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FAQ - Marital Disputes

Detailed information in this regard is available at the links given below

Frequently Asked Questions*

Legal provisions in foreign countries on Indian women cheated/abandoned/abused by Overseas Indian Spouses Frequently asked questions*

FAQ on Marriages of Indian Women*

*(PDF Link to be provided) @ MEA Home Page- E-Citizen – FAQ – Marital Disputes


FAQ - Whereabouts Unknown

Q: My relative went to work in Qatar. Till a few weeks ago, he/she was regularly in touch with us. Suddenly, the calls stopped and we have not been able to reach him/her. We are worried about his/her well-being and whereabouts. Whom should I get in touch with for assistance?

A: You can get in touch with the Indian Embassy, Doha or register your grievance on the MADAD Portal - You will need to provide details of your relative’s Indian passport, visa, sponsor/employer’s name and contact details, and the name and contact details of your Recruiting Agent (if applicable). The Embassy will approach the local police/government authorities and try to get some details about your relative. The Office of the Protector General of Emigrants will also approach the sponsor/employer through your Recruiting Agent, to try and get more details.

FAQ - Indians Imprisoned Abroad


Q: My relative has been arrested by the police in Qatar country and has been jailed. Can the Indian government do anything to help in his release?

A: As soon as the information about detention/arrest of an Indian national is received by the Embassy, we get in touch with the local Foreign Office and other concerned local authorities to get consular access to the detained/arrested Indian national and ensure his/her welfare. The Embassy also supports initial legal assistance to distressed Indian nationals in deserving cases. Other assistance provided by us includes requesting local authorities for speedy trials, seeking remission of sentences, providing advice and guidance in legal and other matters, ensuring fair and humane treatment in jails, issue of emergency certificates and repatriation to India of those who are released. The Embassy also requests the local government for grant of amnesty to the arrested Indians and if any mercy petition for remission of sentences is received from the family members of the Indian prisoners, the Embassy forwards them to the local authorities for consideration.


Q: My relative who was in prison in Qatar has completed his sentence. But he has not been released. What help can we get?

A: Please approach the Indian Embassy, Doha with all details. Wherever possible, the Embassy can provide legal assistance to compete the necessary paperwork for your release and repatriation after completion of your sentence. We can also help by issuing necessary travel documents or emergency certificates and provide support for his repatriation to India.


Q: What action does the Indian Embassy take to care for the welfare of Indian nationals in prisons in countries in Qatar?

A: The Indian Embassy takes all steps possible under local laws and as applicable for a diplomatic Mission, to protect the rights of Indians in foreign jails. These include:

regular visits to jails, enquiring about the welfare of Indian prisoners and providing them with essential daily – use items.

provision of initial legal assistance with the help of Arabic-knowing experts, well-versed in local laws;

regular interaction with local police and jail authorities to provide assistance to Indians in jail;

taking up their cases with local authorities through diplomatic channels;

fully utilizing the services of Embassy-registered volunteers from the Indian community to help the inmates;

take steps to protect the inmates and their families from touts and agents who try to exploit them by offering illegal assistance, and conducting regular investigation into the activities of such touts who try to exploit Indians in jails;

providing travel documents, including Emergency Certificates for expeditious repatriation of those who have completed their sentence; and

providing tickets from ICWF funds to deserving cases to avoid any delay in their departure.


FAQ - Deportation Matters

Q: My relative is being deported by Qatar. What kind of assistance can the Indian Embassy provide to prevent this deportation?

A: Deportation can be done by Qatari authorities when a foreigner violates the immigration laws of Qatar. In most cases, the Indian Embassy will not be able to intervene in preventing such deportation for violation of immigration laws. However, in cases where the Indian national concerned may not be at fault or feels he is being unfairly deported, this can be brought to the notice of the Indian Embassy, so that it can be taken up with the local immigration authorities concerned, by bringing the relevant facts to their attention.


FAQ - Legal Assistance Abroad

Q: Do Indian Missions provide any legal assistance to distressed Overseas Indians?

A: Yes, Indian Missions provide initial legal assistance to distressed Indians, but only in the most deserving cases and on a ‘means-tested’ basis, i.e. if the distressed Indian is assessed to be otherwise unable to afford such legal help on his/her own. Such initial legal assistance may include:

Financial assistance provided to file or to fight a case, but only where the concerned person is not able to meet the expenditure for the purpose.

Interpreter facility may be provided where language is a barrier.

Indian Mission may suggest empanelled NGOs, which provide assistance/consultation in litigation process.

Q: Does the Indian Embassy fight court cases on behalf of an overseas Indian?

A: No, Indian Missions/Posts do not fight court cases on behalf of Indian nationals. In a few countries, Indian missions have arrangements with empanelled local NGOs to assist overseas Indians for litigation processes. For more details on this, it is advisable to directly contact the Indian Embassy.

Q: Does the Government of India have any scheme for providing legal or financial assistance to Indian Women deserted by their Indian/Foreigners spouses abroad?

A: Yes, the Ministry of External Affairs has such a scheme. Please click the link below for details of the scheme: The Embassy can also provide limited assistance on a case-by-case basis, subject to a needs assessment.


FAQ - Property Related Matters of NRIs/OCI card holders in India

Q: Can OCI card holders purchase property in India?

A: OCI card holders can purchase residential and commercial properties in India. But they are not permitted to purchase agricultural land, including farmland or any kind of plantation property.

Q: A person had bought immovable property, when he/she was a resident of India,

Can he/she continue to hold such property even after becoming an OCI card holder?

Can he/she gift such properties?

Can he/she rent out such property?

A: Yes, a person who had bought residential/commercial property/agricultural land/ plantation property/farm house in India when he was an Indian citizen, can continue to hold that property without the approval of the Reserve Bank after becoming an OCI card holder.

Yes. He/she may transfer residential or commercial property in India by way of gift to a person resident in India or to a person resident outside India and is a citizen of India or to an OCI card holder resident outside India.

Yes, OCI card holders can rent out their properties in India. For more information on this matter, please follow the link: website that opens in a new window.

Embassy of India,Doha
Villa No 86 & 90, Street No. 941,
Al Eithra Street, Zone 63,
Onaiza, P.O. Box 2788,
Doha - Qatar.

Embassy closed on Fridays, Saturdays & Public Holidays
Embassy working hours: 0800 to 1630 hrs
Consular Section working hours: 0800 to 1615 hrs
Consular Service - Submission of Documents: 0800 to 1115 hrs
Delivery Time - Collection of Documents: 1400 to 1615 hrs
Tel No. for all enquiries: 4425 5777

Visitors: | Page last updated on: 2025-02-06 00:00:00

© Embassy of India, Doha, Qatar 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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