Death Case Registration Labour & Community Welfare

Death Case Registration

The following formalities have to be completed for registration of death of an Indian National in Doha and to transport the mortal remains to India / for local burial.


1. For Transportation of the mortal remains to India


A. The following documents are to be submitted in the Embassy at the time of registration of death in the Embassy: -


  1. Copy of Death Notification from Hamad Hospital


  2. Copy of Police Clearance Certificate Issued by the nearest police station [if the person died outside a Hospital]


  3. Copy of Death Certificate issued by Supreme Council of Health.


  4. Transfer Dead Body Certificate [issued from Ministry of Interior/ Criminal Evidence and Information Dept]


  5. Copy of Airway bill regarding transportation of mortal remains to India


  6. No objection letter from the next of kin of the deceased for transportation of mortal remains to India [ in case - if nobody accompanies the dead body, the name of the Airport in India and name and contact details of the person who will receive the body from the Airport.


  7. Original Passport of the deceased for cancellation.


  8. Passport copy of the person accompanying the mortal remains to India


  9. Letter from the sponsoring company of the deceased worker about assurance for the payment of salary, dues/ death compensation/ insurance claim in respect of the deceased, if any.


B. The following is required to be done in the Embassy: -


  1. To fill in Form - C: (Available in the Embassy) for Information in respect of the deceased.


  2. To register the Death in the Embassy - Registration fee - Nil (Gratis).


C. Embassy will issue the following documents: -


  1. No objection certificate for mortuary to hand over the dead body for transportation / local burial.


  2. Letter to airlines for booking the dead body to India,


  3. Death Certificate (Original)


  4. Return the original passport of the deceased after cancellation.


2. Death Case Procedure


The Labour and Social Welfare Wing play the role of a coordinator and facilitator by providing guidance and support for the redressal of grievances of the large number of Indian nationals residing in Qatar.


Procedure to be Completed following the Death of an Indian National in Qatar


  1. The death of Indian nationals in Qatar due to natural / unnatural reasons like traffic accident, work related accident, suicide, murder, etc. is to be intimated to

  2. The nearest Police authorities,


    Next of kin in India, and


    The Indian Embassy.


  3. The body of the deceased is transferred to the Mortuary at Hamad Hospital (Tel. No. 44392594), a doctor from the Public Health Department at the Mortuary issues the Notification of Death, which is to be taken to the nearest Police Station for getting Police Clearance. This is required to receive the Death Certificate from the Supreme Council of Health Dept near Hamad Hospital [Tel: 33195904]. Now the local Govt has arranged a single window for all facilities to receive Transfer of Dead Body Certificate, customs, cargo and emigration services in the same building.


  4. The next of kin has to send a letter to the Indian Embassy (Fax No. 467 0448) stating that he /she has no objection for the burial or transportation of mortal remains (as the case may be) and authorizing either the sponsor, close relative / friend or any other person known to them, to take charge of the body for local burial or transportation to India (as the case may be).


  5. After obtaining the above 3 certificates, the body can be booked for transportation to India by an airline.


  6. The details of personal items of the deceased are to be listed in front of some witness and handed over to the authorized representative.


  7. The authorized representative of the employer [PRO] has to submit the copies of all the documents [Death Notification, Death Certificate, PCC, Transfer of Dead body Certificate, Family letter, sponsor letter regarding dues and payments, airway bill, passport copy of the accompanying person and original passport of the deceased] to the Labour and Community Welfare Wing of the Embassy (Tel. 44255714, 44255724, 44255700). In case of Emergency during off duty days/ hours, may call on Mob no. 33451607, 55093356.


  8. On receipt of No Objection Certificate from the Embassy, the mortuary authorities will release the dead body for local burial. They will also issue Burial Permission Certificate for cemeteries for burial.


  9. In case of transportation to India, the mortal remains are to be embalmed at the mortuary and the coffin charges are about QR 1200/- to QR 1500/-. [Tel: 4435 5460, 55384072].


  10. Hospital authorities to be contacted for embalming of mortal remains only after obtaining clearance from Ministry of Interior for Transfer of the body.


  11. Iqama of the deceased is to be submitted for cancellation and exit visa stamp should be obtained from the Airport immigration office on the cancelled passport of the deceased.


  12. All documents are to be given to cargo agents for booking the mortal remains.


  13. An affidavit is also to be submitted by the legal heirs to the nearest airlines office at nearest International / Domestic airport, stating that mortal remains would be accepted by them without any delay from the cargo terminal, on arrival from abroad. The same is to be faxed to the sponsor, airline and to the Embassy. The airline cargo office may not accept a dead body without this affidavit.


3. Claims for Legal Dues


As soon as the death of an Indian national is notified to the Embassy of India, the local sponsor is asked to settle the outstanding legal dues. Although in many cases the legal dues are settled before the dead body is buried or sent to India, in many cases, there are delays on the part of the sponsor. In such cases, the Embassy is authorized to receive the dues on behalf of the legal heirs of the deceased. As soon as the dues are received, the amount is remitted by the Embassy of India, to the district authorities concerned in India, for disbursement to the legal heirs of the deceased.


4. Death Compensation


According to the Laws of Qatar, the family of the deceased may claim death compensation from the causer, if the death is due to work accident, traffic accident or murder.


If any worker dies while working due to the fault of any machinery, equipment, etc., then the sponsor of the deceased will pay work accident compensation claim. The claim has to be submitted directly to the sponsor. If any worker dies due to a traffic accident or is murdered, the actual causer of the incident / murderer has to pay death compensation. Police authorities after investigation will fix the percentage of responsibility and the compensation amount may differ accordingly. The death compensation claims are to be submitted to Shariah Court and the Shariah Court Judge will decide the amount. Those who wish to submit a claim with Shariah Court should nominate any person known to them as their Attorney. The Ambassador of India / Embassy of India may also be given Power of Attorney to represent their case.


After hearing all sides, the Shariah Court will deliver its verdict. On submission of the verdict copy, Qatari Treasury (Baitul Mal) will release the compensation amount. Normally, most of the cases are being settled by Shariah court within a period of one year. However, in some cases, it takes a few years due to some technicalities/ legal hurdles in the proceedings.


All compensation claimants should invariably submit (i) Legal Heirship Certificate (LHC) and (ii) Power of Attorney (POA) to the Shariah Court. Legal Heirship Certificate is being issued by Civil authorities (Revenue / Tehsil / Mandal) in India and the Power of Attorney is to be executed by all the legal heirs of the deceased with a Judicial authority (or Notary Public) in India.


Both the LHC and POA are to be attested further by (a) Home / General Admin. Department of the State Government concerned, (b) Consular Section, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi and (c) the Indian Embassy in Doha. They are to be further attested by the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs and submitted to the concerned Shariah Court for settlement of the death compensation claim.


FAQ - Transfer of Mortal Remains

Q: My relative died abroad;
a) What is the role of the Indian Embassy in the transportation of his/her mortal remains?
b) If no one is available to arrange the transportation of mortal remains, how can the Embassy help?
c) Does the Indian Embassy/consulate assist in dispatch of mortal remains if we are not able to pay for the transportation cost?

    For the purpose of bringing back the mortal remains of an Indian national, registration of death at the concerned Indian Mission/Post is necessary, for which normally the following documents are required: -

    • Medical report / death certificate issued from a hospital. 
    • Copy of detailed police report (with English translation, if report is in some other language), in case of accidental or unnatural death. 
    • Consent letter from next of kin of the deceased for local cremation / burial / transportation of mortal remains, duly attested by a notary. 
    • Copy of passport and visa pages. 
    • In addition to the above, other documents such as clearance and arrangements for embalming of mortal remains, clearance from local immigration/customs department, etc. are required. These procedures may differ from country to country. 
    • While there is no undue delay in cases of natural deaths, the time taken in transporting the mortal remains to India is longer in the case of unnatural deaths, because of local procedures involved in those countries for investigating the cause of death. 
    • Our Missions/Posts remain in constant touch with the next of kin of the deceased Indian national to facilitate the transportation or local burial of the mortal remains, in accordance with the wishes of the family of the deceased. They also liaise with the concerned foreign officials to expedite procedures for the repatriation of mortal remains to India. 
    • In case no friend or relative is available to take care of the transport of mortal remains, you may authorize the Indian Embassy/ Consulate to make arrangements for transport of the mortal remains.

    Yes, the Indian Embassy can consider your request for repatriation of mortal remains, on a ‘means tested’ basis. You may be required to provide additional information to support your request.

Q: Is it Possible to Bury the Mortal Remains in a Foreign Land, Particularly in Gulf Countries?

    Yes, it is possible, but most of these countries allow this only in the case of Muslims. It would also require the consent of the legal heir(s) of the deceased for local burial. In the case of non-Muslims, the mortal remains are required to be repatriated to their home countries. In the case of unclaimed bodies, local authorities take steps to dispose of them as they deem fit, after three months usually.

Q: What Documents are Required for Transportation of Mortal Remains to India?

    • Power of attorney and consent from the legal heir;
    • Clinical death certificate;
    • Embalming Certificate;
    • Non-communicable decease certificate;
    • Passport for cancellation; and
    • NOC from the Indian Embassy.
Q: How Much Time Does it take for Transportation of the Mortal Remains?

    Local procedures for transportation of mortal remains of foreign nationals vary from country to country. In Qatar, the normal time line ranges from 1 to 2 weeks due to local procedures as indicated above. If the death was due to unnatural causes and investigations are ongoing to ascertain the cause of death, it may take significantly longer, depending upon progress in the investigations. The Indian Embassy/Consulate stays in touch with the concerned local authorities to expedite the process.

Q: I Do Not Have Enough Money to Bring Back the Mortal Remains of My Relative Who Has Died Abroad. What Should I do?

    After the filing of your request at the Embassy, the concerned Indian Embassy takes all necessary steps to assist you with the paperwork to transport the mortal remains back to India. They pursue with the employer to bear the cost and if the employer does not agree to bear it, the Indian Community Welfare Fund is used for the purpose, on a means-related basis. The Embassy can also help you pursue your claim for death compensation.

Embassy of India,Doha
Villa No 86 & 90, Street No. 941,
Al Eithra Street, Zone 63,
Onaiza, P.O. Box 2788,
Doha - Qatar.

Embassy closed on Fridays, Saturdays & Public Holidays
Embassy working hours: 0800 to 1630 hrs
Consular Section working hours: 0800 to 1615 hrs
Consular Service - Submission of Documents: 0800 to 1115 hrs
Delivery Time - Collection of Documents: 1400 to 1615 hrs
Tel No. for all enquiries: 4425 5777

Visitors: | Page last updated on: 2025-02-06 00:00:00

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